JUNE 2018 - THIS week's PICTURE
Smithsonian Right: photo by Malcolm Aslett
If you compare this one to last week's effort you can see this is the right hand section coming to some kind of conclusion. It isn't a conclusion to the whole picture unfortunately. The problem is where to take all those pillars. There are so many choices to manage the effects. This is the most obvious one, I think. To make the pillars straight again. They cannot fit with last week's image. I will put the two of them joined up on another page: THIS! There are shades of Piranesi for me here. If you have ever done any perspective drawing you will know that doing single point perspective works fine 'in the middle' of a picture but the farther you go out to the periphery the more shapes get a little bonkers. So the closest pillar in the new section has a weird elliptical shape at the top. Things are getting squashed and not able to be determined by the same rules. "The centre cannot hold, though it holds better than the edges." as the great poet never said. Still, putting the bits together with different perspectival solutions gives the spectator a lot to look at and ponder. |